
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Keep on Keeping on!!

James 1:12 (NIV) Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the victor's crown, the life God has promised to those who love him.

The first couple of months on your journey are very tough because you might not see what is happening to your body. You might not see the kind of results that you want to see. You might be upset that people aren't noticing a difference in you. Even though all that is going on you have to stay strong and keep pushing towards the mark. You have to keep on doing what you have been doing. One day it might be a couple of months in to your journey, you will step on the scale and see that you lost such and such amount of weight and you will rejoice in it. Or one day you will try on those pair of blue jeans and they will be way to big for you. Sometimes you have to struggle in order to get to where you want to be. That struggle in the end is worth it because you come out a better person.

 I have to honestly say that I'm glad that I was fat. It helped me to be the person that I am today. It has helped me to realize, what it feels like to be there and how I want to help other people get out of that. If I wasn't fat then, I probably wouldn't be sympathetic and understanding. I want to go out and help as many people as I can to lose weight, so that they can feel the kind of joy that I feel. So I ask that when you get to your goal weight or half way to your goal weight that you pay it forward and help someone else get to their goal weight. I heard recently on TV, that if you help someone to get to their goals, then God will help you get to your goals.

Keep on Keepin On!!



  1. Hi Amanada, just stopping by to thank you for the nice comments you left on blog. I’m now following you too.


  2. Hi Amanda, Thank you for your comments, it brought me to your site and WOW this verse that you share could not have come at a better time! Thank you, thank you, thank you,
    I was unable to follow, problems with blogger... I will check back soon!

  3. Hello Shelly, Your welcome!! I love your projects that you do!! I'm glad that verse is exactly what you needed to hear. God sometimes leads us to stuff or things that we need to hear at the right time. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know all the issues with blogger recently lol hopefully it all starts working soon!!
